Renee Guay, Founder & Owner


Transformational Guide /temple body Arts Priestess

Visionary/creator of conscious gatherings.

Movement medicine facilitator. Ritual performance artist.

Renee Guay is the Founder of Higher Flow — A Transformational Lifestyle Movement that inspires and empowers you to connect to your Higher spiritual self and discover your own unique Flow in life! She is a Temple Body Arts Priestess, Embodied Feminine Leader, Movement Medicine Facilitator, Ritual Performance Artist and Visionary/Creator of conscious events & retreats around the world. Her mission is to provide you with the tools to manifest your own dream life by connecting with your inner passions & purpose and aligning with your spiritual, sexual & creative potential.  She has facilitated & performed globally for thousands of people at her own events, private gatherings, festivals & corporate events. Renee supports creatives, healers, artists, and soulpreneurs to reach your full potential physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, relationally, and in your business while having fun in the process and making a profound impact on others. She has created online courses and programs to activate your divine feminine & masculine codes, step into your radiant power & express your unique gifts while magnetizing your highest aligned full f#ck yesssssss life! By leading a life abundant in her own energetic potential, through mind, body and spirit, it is inevitable that she has the innate ability to inspire others to follow their own bliss and influence them to be the best version of themselves!

Goddess Renee is a wild woman and her intention is to follow her bliss. She knows that when she’s following her heart's deepest desires the universe opens doors for her. She is a passionate creature who loves to move her body, expand her mind, and connect to spirit. She’s all about the evolution and growth of her consciousness and the collective. Renee aligns with this purpose and connects to it daily. She knows that by living her dream life, she is inspiring others to realize that they are capable of manifesting a life of abundance. Renee is here to bring the spiritual into the material world through her Higher Flow business that empowers people to remember they are an individualized expression of Goddess or God and to embody this in their every day lives!


Meet Renee.

Renee Guay's passion for holistic health and well-being began when she discovered yoga fifteen years ago. Her evolving practice as a Certified Yoga Teacher from Yandara Institute has opened up a myriad of life changing positive impact on herself and others. These opportunities, including a Level Two Reiki certification and becoming a Transformational Lifestyle Coach & Temple Body Artist/Guide, awakened her to seek a natural and well balanced lifestyle through flow arts and meditation, while also enhancing her inner self by healing through holistic medicine and connecting to soul purpose.

She takes genuine humility in making a positive impact on those around her while influencing them to be the best versions of themselves. This is done enthusiastically by her deep passion as a performing artist and expressive movement medicine facilitator.  She has a profound connection to music, the elements of nature, and community that inspires creative movement through aerials, dance and acrobatic yoga. Renee's movement medicine journey's have been known to facilitate spontaneous transformational awakenings in her participants.  She opens a powerful portal for you to elevate your senses and awareness, shake out your blocks, and find yourself again. She loves sharing these passions with others by teaching online and throughout the entire world as she is a visionary, creator, and leader of conscious events, retreats, and residency programs.  Her "in the moment" personality brings joy to others through positive encouragement while continuously progressing in her own holistic practices.

Renee also brings ten years of experience as an outdoor environmental youth educator and rock climbing guide for a variety of programs throughout the U.S where connecting to the natural world was paramount. She received her BA in Interdisciplinary Studies with a concentration in Outdoor Adventure Leadership/Entrepreneurship from Sierra Nevada College in Lake Tahoe, Nevada. Following her own bliss has led her to become a Lifestyle Coach for Human Potential Development through the Bulletproof Training Institute and a Temple Body Arts Feminine Leader through Sofiah Thom. Since making profound changes in her life on a daily basis, she can now say she is fully expressing her unique self through her divine creations through Higher Flow. Renee is also a successful entrepreneur who has traveled all over the world sharing her gifts. You can often find her gracefully flowing through yoga poses, scaling an outdoor rock cliff, navigating steep powder turns, spinning through the air on aerial silks, or energizing dance spaces with radiant love! 


  • Founder of Higher Flow

  • Creator of Higher Flow Dance

  • Creator of Higher Flow Transformational Twerkshop

  • Creator of Higher Flow Retreats & Residency Programs

  • Creator of Sovereign Goddess Gatherings

  • Bulletproof Human Potential Development Coach

  • Temple Body Artist & Priestess

  • ISTA Spiritual Sexual Shamanic Level 1 Training

  • Yoga Teacher 200hr

  • Aerial Silks Teacher 50hr

  • Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course

  • Reiki Level 2 Energy Healing

  • Tribal Marker Training

  • AMGA Rock Climbing Instructor

  • Wilderness First Responder

  • BA Outdoor Adventure Leadership/Entrepreneurship

Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors where there were only walls
— Joseph Campbell

Renee's Top 3 Lifestyle Tips

Daily Morning Ritual.

The first thing you choose to do in the morning sets the foundation for your entire day and your life.  If you are reaching for your phone to check your social media; than you are looking for external sources to validate your happiness.  To find wholeness and true happiness; you must seek within. I had a transformational shift in my life when I decided to create a daily morning ritual that included not turning my phone on for at least an hour upon waking.  The practices change depending on how much time I have and what I need in the moment. These include different styles of meditation, breathwork, yoga, qigong, dance, sex, sound healing, tarot reading, howling/screaming, journaling, gratitude, reading, prayer, and the use of crystals and smudging tools.  Every morning is an opportunity to become clear on what’s most important to focus your attention on for that day and beyond. I love helping people create daily rituals that are in alignment with their long term goals on this planet.

Follow Your Bliss.

When you align your passions with your heart; you manifest what you need.  Many of us grow up believing that having fun and being creative is something we do as a hobby.  What would happen if we decided to live our lives by leading with our hearts? I feel this is our true essence and the path the world is moving towards.  The only person that is getting in our way of reaching our highest potential is ourselves. We have the ability to make a conscious choice to continue with the negative patterns of thinking and feeling or to listen to the passion and love within our hearts. Through guided, embodied practices during coaching and dance facilitation, I help people access their deepest values and make decisions that are in alignment with their hearts.

Mindful Living.

Mindfulness is paying attention to whatever is arising in the present moment without judgment of whether it is good/bad or right/wrong; allowing things to be as they are while cultivating compassion and deeper wisdom.  Becoming the observer of your thoughts, emotions, pain, sensations, and experiences in your life allows you to witness from a greater perspective. We come to realize that life isn’t happening to us but it’s happening for us.  Mindfulness Meditation is a wonderful formal practice that has the potential to transform into everyday mindful living. The present moment is a gift and we can bring this form of gratitude into everything we do from mundane activities to the most profound experiences of our lives.  I really enjoy teaching this style of meditation to others because it has greatly reduced my stress levels and increased my overall happiness.
